The Law of Detachment Is Commonly Misunderstood
Most people that have studied the Law of Attraction for a while know that an important component of effectively using LOA is the idea of "detachment" - that is, if you let go of needing your desire to come to you, then you have let go of the resistance you have around reaching your desire and then it finally can come. This concept is sometimes known separately as the Law of Detachment.
However, detaching tends to be a lot easier said than done - you can't fake you vibration to the Universe. If you try to pretend that you are detached but still secretly hope that what you what you want will still come to you, you aren't detached. So how do you actually "let go"?
The counterintuitive thing about the Law of Detachment is that it is not about completely detaching yourself from your desires. Instead, it is about detaching yourself from needing your desire to manifest in order to be happy. The Law of Detachment is about deciding that you are happy as you currently are, even if the thing you want doesn't manifest. When you approach your desires from this place, you are relaxed about them, and then they will manifest!
How to Apply the Law of Detachment
So how do you shift yourself into a place of being happy as you currently are when you are NOT currently happy? There are multiple techniques to get to shift your energy to one of detachment, but one of the most effective techniques (courtesy of Melody Fletcher) is the "fairy godmother game".
To use the fairy godmother technique, imagine yourself as two aspects - one that is yourself where you currently are (we'll refer to it as the "current self"), and another aspect that is an all-powerful fairy godmother that can grant any wish you may have. As your fairy godmother self, you then ask your current self what it needs in order to feel satisfied.
Your current self may immediately come up with an answer, or may need a few minutes to answer. There is no wrong way to play this game, so however long it takes to come up with an answer is fine. Once your current self figures out what it wants, then have your fairy godmother self simply give your current self what it wants.
Keep in mind that what you current self wants may not be a "happy" or "enlightened" thing. If your current self wants revenge, to turn into Peter Pan, or to turn everyone into ants and stomp on them, give your current self that power. This technique is designed to be an abstract way of allowing yourself to feel through your emotions and release the "need" around your desires, so it may get a little weird. And usually after you've gone through the game you can understand why your current self wanted what it wanted, so don't worry about it or that you're not doing it right.
After your fairy godmother self gives your current self what it wants, ask your current self to rate its satisfaction with the results on a scale of 1-10. If the number is less than a 10, ask your current self what it needs to make it a 10, and do another round. For most people it takes a couple of rounds of the fairy godmother giving the current self what it wants and the current self fine-tuning it's desires before the current self finally hits on what it really wants.
When your current self hits on what it really wants, you will know because you will feel the energetic shift internally. The feeling of need from your initial desire fades because you have now energetically given yourself what you desired. When you think back to your initial desire and it feels like a want but not a need, then you are in the perfect place. Great job!
Like what you've read so far? Want some assistance in shifting your energy using the fairy godmother technique? Sign up for a 1:1 private coaching session with me to declutter those limiting beliefs for good.
