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Am I Delusional for Believing in the Law of Attraction?

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

"Young lady, never, ever, underestimate the power of suggestion. If a person believes something, even on a subconscious level, fantasy can easily become fact." - Dr. Gilbert Buford

*I got this cool quote from, out of all things, a Nancy Drew video game. Goes to show that you can find inspiration everywhere.*

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Am I Delusional for Believing in the Law of Attraction?

When you start getting into this Law of Attraction stuff - especially when going down the metaphysical "rabbit hole" - you may start to wonder if you're a little crazy for believing in this stuff. You may ask yourself, "am I delusional for believing in the Law of Attraction?"

Nope! You are not any more delusional than anyone else, because EVERYBODY'S delusional.

Events are Neutral, Interpretations are Delusional

Events that happen may be "truth" (which are neutral), but how we interpret those events are ALWAYS according to our own beliefs. We inherently have our own blind spots and are delusional because our understanding of an event is an interpretation. It's blinded by our personal beliefs around "truth".

Say, for example, Politician X is elected President. Depending upon your beliefs around President X, this could be the world's greatest thing or spell out doom for your country. But the neutral "truth" of the situation is that Politician X was elected - it is neither a "good" or "bad" thing from a metaphysical perspective. It just is.

So understanding the Law of Attraction is realizing that we are always going to have a subjective experience of the world (delusions), and deciding to actively choose something that feels better. It's consciously making an empowered choice.

So How Do I Know That I'm Not Crazy?

So this answer will probably bring up the question for you (and if you're being honest, is probably what you're really afraid of here), "what is crazy then? How do I know that I'm not totally crazy locked up in an asylum somewhere imagining my current reality?"

The honest answer is, you don't know that you're not crazy. You can't prove that to yourself either way. But what you can focus on (what is within your personal power) is how you feel.

See, the crazy person (and remember, this is my own delusional interpretation of this, feel free to discard it if you don't agree) is in the space of denial. Denial is not this same as choosing to work through your limiting beliefs and genuinely reach a better feeling state (which is what doing Law of Attraction work is about).

Instead, denial is pretending that you feel really great about something when you don't. It's about running away from your icky feelings instead of facing them (which keeps you stuck in that negative feeling).

So as long as you're aware of these blocks that you have, and are working through them, you can give yourself permission to decide that you're not crazy. Instead, you're doing the really cool thing of actively re-training your brain to have a more positive experience of life! How awesome is that!


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