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Which Political Party Is the Most Vibrationally Aligned with Source?

Writer's picture: ZoeZoe

Which Political Party Is the Most Vibrationally Aligned with Source?

*US-centric question but the answer is relevant to everyone!*

Which political party is most aligned with Source? Does Spirit vote Democrat or Republican? Overall, are the elephants or donkeys more "enlightened"? (And how can the other political party be so wrong!!)

If you were looking for some validation for your own political party, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Because the short answer is - neither! And both!

Source Sees All Perspectives

To really answer this question fully, you have to start with asking yourself, what is Source?

And Source (or the Universe/Higher Power/God/Spirit etc.) is All That Is. It is a collective consciousness of the myriad of perspectives collected from Earth and beyond.

So because it has such a grand spiritual perspective, Spirit sees truth in all perspectives. So Spirit sees value in Republican values and ideas, and sees value in Democrat values and ideas. It sees value in both.

So Which Political Party Should You Follow Then?

Because Source can see value in all perspective, your job is not to find "the truth" but instead "your truth".

Read about and gather data from both political parties, as well as ideas from other cultures. As you gather this data, check in with your body and your mind to figure out which perspective feels most aligned with joy and personal empowerment to you.

What does your version of an ideal government say or do? What does it value and take action on? As you line yourself up with your personal vision, enjoy the feeling of personal empowerment it gives you.

Respect, Not Agreement

And when you think about discerning your ideal political truth for you, and decide that you can manifest that truth for yourself, you can begin to recognize that everyone else is doing the same thing. They are searching through data themselves and making their own personal choices for what political system feels most empowering to them.

And when you view others from this lens - trusting that they are making their own choices from their highest good - you respect them. And something magical starts to happen: other people's political opinions no longer bother you!

You let go of the mentality of "if only they do this, then I'll be happy." And when you do that, and choose to feel good no matter what, it is powerful! You feel more relaxed and trusting of others and agreeableness and respect manifests into your reality.

And if you are looking to steady your vibration and refine your political beliefs into ones of empowerment, I can help. Check out Simply Lovely Breakthrough and sign up for a 1:1 coaching session to help you smash through your limiting beliefs and start manifesting the dream life you deserve.

Which Political Party Is the Most Vibrationally Aligned with Source?

1 commentaire

Meditative Music
Meditative Music
16 oct. 2022

you do a good job of explaining this for people. too many people think LOA is magic and they can think a million dollars into their bank accounts. It’s more about bettering yourself when you do the work Inside it manifest outside. Also people often think if you think purely positive nothing bad can happen unexpectedly, bad things will always happen (yin and yang) life will always have its ups and downs! It’s all about which we decide to give our focus, attention and emotions to. It’s about how we react! Hopefully more people find your website, I’m happy I did been trying to articulate this myself for years to my loved ones it’s not a magic trick it’s actually…

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