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Why It's Okay to Want to Live Small - LoA & Minimalism

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

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When I first came across the Law of Attraction, I was excited about all of the possibilities of what I could Be, Do, or Have. I can have a million dollars? A mansion? A pure luxury lifestyle filled with bottles of champagne and six-pack-ab men? I can have it all!

Many LoA coaches will encourage this type of "living large" thinking as well. What the most, best, greatest things you can achieve? Push yourself to have only the cream of the crop!

And while this is not a bad exercise to do and I'm not looking to put other coaches down for encouraging it, these types of questions can sometimes push us into missing the true point of the exercises, which is asking yourself: what do I want? Not what society says I should want to be perceived as successful, but what do I want that would truly make me happy?

Personally, when I was finally able to clear away the things I thought I should want, like the million dollars and the mansion, I found what I wanted to be considered... lackluster in comparison. I felt a little embarrassed about it.

All I really wanted was a 1-bedroom apartment to share with my partner. I wanted enough money to feel abundant and to fill out my Roth IRA every year. I wanted to take dance lessons and go out for coffee once a week.

None of these seem as particularly "glamorous" as a champagne-mansion-type lifestyle, but they make me happy. And if I'm being honest, I don't even really like champagne. And that's okay.

It's okay to enjoy a "playing small" lifestyle, as long as it is what you really want. If living in a tiny home doing crossword puzzles brings you greater joy than anything else, honor that. And if you want a more "glamorous" lifestyle, that's okay too. Neither living large or playing small is bad. In the end, it's simply about what you desire.

So I ask you now: what do you want? 🧡


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