Does the Law of Attraction encourage self-blame, even to the point of gaslighting and victim blaming?
It can seem that way at first, especially when the idea of "you create your reality" implies that you create every negative, wanted thing in your life as well as the positive things.
However, it is important to understand the vibrational difference between self-blame and responsibility, because they are two very different energies that lead to different outcomes.
Self-Blame Is the Lowest Vibration
Self-blame, in fact, is one of the lowest vibrational states you can be in. When you first get into LOA, you're not usually at one of the higher, self-empowered vibrations. When you realize that you do create your own reality and everything is a mirror, this realization often ends up feeling really painful because we think, "oh god, everything is my fault". You then use it as an excuse to beat up on yourself.
But the important thing to remember is that this is just one (rather disempowered) perspective on the situation. Self-blame feels because because you fail to factor in your innocence in the situation.
Responsibility Is Seeing the Innocence in Yourself in the Situation
The important thing to remember is that you are innocent. You are pure. You would never purposefully manifest something shitty into your life, because that doesn't make sense. Unwanted manifestations really only happen because you lack awareness of the current situation and how raise our vibration on the subject. So give yourself a little bit of relief about this. Your bad manifestations are not "your fault".
What LOA gives you instead is the ability to take responsibility. What this means is that you look at your unwanted manifestation and say, "okay, I manifested this. I did not realize that I had this limiting belief, and now it has shown up in my reality. I'm going to do what it takes to feel better." You shift your perceptive to coming from a place of self-compassion and curiosity, rather than from a place of self-hatred and abuse.
Sometimes this means you have to have an anger release. If someone hurt you, do not have to automatically forgive them or decide that it was your fault that they hurt you (and it won't work anyways). Go beat them up and fight back in your imagination if you have to!
Other times, you just have to focus on or discover what you want. There are a lot of different techniques for shifting your vibration, some of which I discuss in this article. But the important thing about being in the vibration of responsibility is that you see your innocence in the situation. You are doing it right and the best you can!
Like what you've read so far? Want some assistance in shifting from self-blame into responsibility? Sign up for a 1:1 private coaching session with me to declutter those limiting beliefs for good.
